
public class Elevator extends SubsystemBase

The ElevatorSubsystem class is a Singleton to control the elevator motors on the robot. The class sets the motor positions, gets the motor positions, stops the motors, and toggles the soft stop for the elevator motor.


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public final static String ELEVATOR_STATE_KEY


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public double getElevatorPosAvg()
Get the average position of the elevator motors
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public double getElevatorPosValue(String motor)
Get the position of the elevator motor
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public static Elevator getInstance()
Returns the Singleton instance of this ElevatorSubsystem.
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Get the state of the elevator motor
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public double getStateDouble()
Gets the state of the elevator motor as a double in terms of its height in the parameters file
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public void initializeAlarms()
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public void moveElevator(double velocity)
Move the elevator motor at a specific velocity
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public void moveElevatorToLevel()
Move the elevator motor to a specific level
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public void periodic()
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public void resetEncoders()
Soft resets the encoders on the elevator motors
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public void setElevatorPosition(double pos)
Sets the elevator motor to a specific position
public void setElevatorPosition(double left, double right)
Set the position of the left and right elevator motors
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public void setState(ElevatorState currentState)
Sets the elevator state
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public void stopMotors()
Stops the elevator motors
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public void toggleSoftStop()
Toggles the soft stop for the elevator motor