
public class Kommand

The Kommand object provides factory methods to create various commands used in the robot's operation.

This is called for instant commands instead of functions


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public final static Kommand INSTANCE


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public final static AlignSwerve align(Direction dir)

Creates an AlignSwerve command to align the robot in a specified direction.

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public final static PathPlannerAuto autonomousCommand()

Creates a PathPlannerAuto command for autonomous operation.

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public final static InstantCommand cmd(Function0<Unit> function)

Creates an InstantCommand that executes the given function.

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public final static PadDrive drive(XboxController controller)

Creates a PadDrive command to control the robot's driving mechanism.

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public final static InstantCommand moveElevatorToLevel()

Creates an InstantCommand to move the elevator to a specific level.

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public final static InstantCommand resetPidgey()

Creates an InstantCommand to reset the Pidgey sensor.

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public final static AutomaticScore score(Direction dir, ElevatorState state)
public final static AutomaticScore score(Direction dir)

Creates an AutomaticScore command to score in a specified direction.

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public final static InstantCommand setElevatorState(ElevatorState state)

Creates an InstantCommand to set the state of the elevator.

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public final static InstantCommand setTelePid()

Creates an InstantCommand to set the teleoperation PID.

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public final static InstantCommand startCoralManipulator()

Creates an InstantCommand to start the coral manipulator motors.

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public final static InstantCommand stopCoralManipulator()

Creates an InstantCommand to stop the coral manipulator motors.

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public final static WaitCommand waitCmd(Double seconds)

Creates a WaitCommand to wait for a specified number of seconds.